Demetra Hotel Rome
Demetra Hotel Rome

Rome for children

Rome for Children today, things to do

Rome for children. Looking for things to do?

Our 4 stars Hotel near the Viminale, the Demetra, recommends a series of activities and appointments organized by several associations.

Starting with guided tours, specially devised with them in mind, which will skillfully illustrate every concept regarding major landmarks in the most amusing way possible.

This way they will approach local wonders such as the Colosseum, the Vatican Museums, the Quirinale Palace and the Roman Forums.

Fun is guaranteed with workshops, where engaging programs offer painting, drawing, model assembly and art in general.

Then there are numerous reading groups for children to enjoy all kinds of fables and classic tales.

Some of the places we advise you to visit are: the Medici Villas, the Biopark, the sites of Cinecittà, Ferrovia, Explora and the antique Chariots.

Finally, we mention the many available varieties of amusement parks, spread through the entire province that you can reach with ease.